adoption of, does not change question55
adoption of, prior distribution of copies required34 (2)
amendment to, must be germane to both amendment
and proposal50 (4)
assembly amendment to senate proposal: not to be
referred to committee41 (2)
coauthors, cosponsors not to be changed while sitting
in session17 (5)
committee, treated same as other53
considered only on 2nd reading47 (1)
constitution, to
2nd consideration, how to amend; see Joint Rule 57 (2)
distribution of34 (2), 46 (5)
executive veto, bill not amendable47 (5)
form and substance49, 50
germaneness of50
identical in effect with one previously offered to
same proposal50 (6)(a)
in 3rd or higher degree prohibited51
legislative reference bureau to put in proper form49
motion for main question, pending and new amendments
considered immediately without debate77 (3)
not distributed, to be read at length48
not permitted on motion to raise a call85 (5)
offered for purpose of being reproduced,
form and contents46 (5)
offered from floor49
offering of, after main question is ordered, permitted77 (3)
on 3rd reading, bill reengrossed40
order of action on47 (4)
question, not changed by amendment adoption55
reading to members, required unless distributed48
received from assembly for concurrence18 (1)
rejection recommended by committee or not adopted,
not reported27 (3)
remain in jacket envelope regardless of action27 (5)
report of committee of conference, may not be
amended, see Joint Rule 3 (3)
revival permitted for amendments not adopted
by committee27 (3)
speaking on53
substitute, considered only on 2nd reading47 (1)
substitute, see Substitute amendment
Announcements, adjournment honors, and remarks under
special privilege:
15th order of business17 (1)(o)
by a member, speaking on, only once, not to exceed
5 minutes7 (1)
debatable7 (1)
decision of presiding officer subject to, by member7 (1)
definition99 (5)
judgment of the senate7 (4)
nondebatable, when68
Appointment, nomination for:
action on, not subject to reconsideration22 (2), 67 (7)
may be considered in any session22 (1)
rereference to different standing committee46 (2)(c)
vote on confirmation by ayes and noes, entered
on journal22 (2)
Appointment to committee:
committee of conference members, by president20m
proportional representation on committee20 (2)(c)
special committee, by chairperson of committee
on senate organization21
standing committee, by chairperson of
committee on senate organization20 (2)
amendment by assembly to senate proposal or amendment,
considered main proposition51
bills may be considered even if identical to rejected
senate bill33 (2)
messages from17 (1)(h), 18 (1)
messages to42
Assistant chief clerk, duties and powers5 (3)
Assistant majority leader:
member of committee on senate organization20 (1)(a) 3
Assistant minority leader:
member of committee on senate organization20 (1)(a) 5
Attendance, roll call taken under first order
of business15, 17 (1)(a)
Attestation of documents by chief clerk44
Attire, appropriate, men to wear coats8 (1)
Attorney general, opinion of, date requested and
received entered in history file30 (3)(c)
Ayes and noes, see also Roll Call, Quick Finder:
appeal from decision of presiding officer (roll call vote)7 (4)
attendance roll call entered in journal15
call of the senate:
adjournment under call85 (6)
roll called on motion for84
vote to raise85 (5)
clerk not to be interrupted during calling of8 (3)
committee of the whole, not in order in19
confirmation of appointments22 (2)
demand for, not in order after voice vote
result announced72 (3)
governor's or state superintendent's nomination for
appointment22 (2)
journal entry of72 (1)
loitering, visiting at podium, prohibited during roll call8 (3)
main question, motion77 (3)
member arriving late, may have question stated73 (2)
members not to leave seats nor be disturbed
during calling of8 (3)
membership presently serving, majority required
for quorum15, 39
presiding officer may order on any vote72 (1)
proposal's relating clause to be entered in journal32
quorum is of membership presently serving15, 39